Recently, I just finished Mark Driscoll's book, Confessions of a Reformission Rev. The book is incredible. It chronicles the life of Mars Hill from birth through planning for 10,000 people. The chapters are set up by growth milestones and each contains a healthy dose of Mark's gritty humor, sarcastic realism and bitting truth.
The chapter titles alone are worthy of a good laugh... my favorite is Jesus, would you please rapture the charasmatic lady who brings her tambourine to church or Jesus, our offering was $137 and I want to use it to buy bullets.
For any planter, this book is incredible insightful. Not only as a tool for missional church plants, but for it's incredible honest look at the life of a leader in the church. Mark's complete honesty, sometimes too complete, offers a healthy escape from books simply on ministry, by ministers. Driscoll takes you on the journey with him, feeling his pain and frustration and often laughing along the way.
The character trait that I love most about Mark, and is brought to the surface clearly in Confessions... is his righteous anger at churches who don't accomplish the mission that they were sent into this world for. All ministers would benefit from not only reading the book, but adopting his infectious worldview.